Muskoka Lifestyle Products
Fly Tying Material Feather and Dubbing Starter Kit
Amazon's #1 Fly tying kit can now be purchased directly from us on our hidden catalog for a fraction of the cost.
Our MUS525 Fly tying feather starter kit comes PACKED with value as you can see by all of our customer reviews. Included in this kit are BULK of some of your most common fly tying materials including the synthetic rabbits hair dubbing.
With this kit, you can create great existing patterns for both wet and dry flies, nymphs and streamers. There is no limit of what you can do with this kit.
Whether just starting to tie or you are a seasoned tier, this kit is a perfect way for you to stock you supply.
Including bulk of your common materials, you will also notice some not so common and hard to find materials and of course, in bulk.
All repeat buyers qualify for additional savings.
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Muskoka Lifestyle Products